Take control of your next design presentation

Trusted by more than 500,000 designers and product managers across the globe
Build your best presentation in 30’ or less
Don’t spend hours designing presentations that make little sense to others. Overflow provides all the tools you need to enhance your design presentations within minutes.

Rearrange your screens
Take advantage of Overflow’s intuitive keyboard shortcuts, grid guidelines and snap to objects functionality.
Add details that matter
Provide more context for your stakeholders by adding device skins, labels, captions, branding elements, logos, and more.
Use shapes smartly
Shapes can mark decision trees, separate between different action points, or function as placeholder frames for unfinished designs.
Drive focus to what’s important
Don’t let your audience side-track the conversation. Present in a way that captures attention and allows you to get actionable feedback at the end of any design critique meeting.
- Split your user flow into smaller sub-flows for a more digestible presentation experience.
- Switch between two design presentation modes at will, moving from a bird’s eye view to individual screen details.
- Use Overflow’s intuitive keyboard or mouse multi-directional navigation to present seamlessly.

Why present in Overflow and not in my design tool?
Your design tool canvas is by default organized to facilitate designing over presenting. From saving valuable time to avoiding presentation sidetracking, we’ve identified 10 reasons why Overflow is better at the job.
Break real-time communication boundaries
Not all presentations are meant to serve as walk-through material for synchronous meetings. Overflow allows you to build any type of presentation, for any purpose or audience.
- Use multiple boards to document a project’s evolution or versions for transparency. Overflow files can comprise any amount of boards, each being an infinite canvas to work on.
- Share your design presentation for asynchronous critique - add comments or captions to trigger specific actions or feedback from your team and stakeholders.
- Prepare detailed developer handoff presentations to boost cross-team collaboration and minimize the time spent in meetings.

How do I get started?
Step 1
Start your 14-day, full-featured Overflow trial
Step 2
Sync from your favorite tool or drag and drop images
Step 3
Put together interactive presentations to impress your clients!